به وب سایت رسمی بیمارستان بنت الهدی خوش آمدید

Opening Hours : مشهد - خیابان بهار - جنب پمپ بنزین
  Contact : 38590051 051 98+

Facilitation companies

Facilitation companies


Company Name Phone Address
Lian Cavan 051-3859655 Chamran Street
Silver pine 051-38552400 Golestan Street
Provide treatment 051-36041524 Imamat Street
Healing Ferdows 051-3224032 Chamran Street
East of Mashhad   Ahmadabad Street
Sepehr Parsian 0937919896 Nurse Street
Peter the sound of flight 09122042405  
Appear 092246064  
Successful healing of Khorasan 09127955507